Renewable Energy Integration Applications Renewable Energy Integration Applications
Solutions Generation-side

Renewable Energy Integration Applications

Program Overview
Renewable Energy Integration Applications

Energy storage systems play a crucial role in renewable energy plants by enhancing the efficiency and stability of power generation. In renewable sources like wind and solar, where power output can vary significantly due to environmental conditions, energy storage systems store excess electricity during peak production and release it when there is a deficit. This helps balance the electrical grid load, ensuring continuous and reliable power supply. Additionally, energy storage aids in frequency regulation and peak shaving for the grid, improving overall grid operational efficiency.

Solution Advantages
Increased earnings

Solve the problem of abandoned wind and light, and increase the amount of feed-in power and revenue from power generation.

Reduced appraisal costs

Smoothing out power fluctuations and tracking planned output reduces appraisal costs.

Obtaining reimbursement for ancillary services

Improve the regulation capacity of wind and photovoltaic power generation and obtain compensation for ancillary services.

Reducing the cost of capacity increase

Building micro-grid improves power reliability and reduces electricity costs.